problem while editing a page with Zenpage using the multilingual plugin

I use zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3469] | zenpage version 1.1 [3469] |
PHP Version 5.2.8 - mysql 5.0.67

When I try to edit a page already published through the Zenpage admin panel, I only get its text in the language actually selected but the other fields for the other languages are blank even if they are filled (the text is displayed for people visiting the web site).

Any idea ?

In fact this seems to be more tricky. Sometimes some traductions appear, sometimes not. Then if you save the page with some blank fields (which already contained the text though), they are saved as blank.
Hope it's clear.


  • I have seen cases where it takes a while for the tinyMCE editors to load up. Maybe that is happening?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I will try to reproduce it.

    sbillard, if I remember correctly you did you fix something for the multilingual feature recently? Was the `print_language_string_list` function envolved? The problem is that Zenpage features a separate function `print_language_string_list_zenpage` because of different input field sizes needed. Probably the changes were not made there and we probably should join this function with the main Zenphoto one and add built sizes for the different usage... Will investigate that.
  • Hi guys,
    even if IMHO tinyMCE is quite heavy for me, I didn't have this problem before the upgrade.

    Thank you for your time.
  • More, I found the same problem with
    zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3429] | zenpage version 1.0.1 [3429]
    PHP Version 5.2.8 - mysql 5.0.67

    Besides I noticed another very weird problem with this one :
    I regurlarly get some "ghost" articles which don't have any text nor title but that have a permalink containing a part of other good article permalink (or wierder, a permalink like "favicon.ico").
    By "ghost" I mean that I've never saved or edited them, I don't know how they are generated, saved and stored in the database.
    Right now, the only thing that I can do is to delete them, but they finaly appear again with a different permalink.
    For example, imagine that I have a regular article which permalink is "regular-article"
    then I get (sometimes) another "ghost" article which permalink is "regular-arti" which I've never edited.

    Will we really all die at the end ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If it was not a typo: Here once again the note that Zenpage 1.0.1 is not compatible with Zenphoto 1.2.3! You need to upgrade at least to 1.1.

    For the ghost page/article that was a bug with the 404 page handling and you have to update to the nightly/svn where this has just been fixed.
  • Ok, I've upgraded this one
    (zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3429] | zenpage version 1.0.1 [3429])
    to the last nightly
    (zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3475] | zenpage version 1.1 [3475]) .

    I had this message while upgrading Zenpage :
    Creating the database tables for zenpage:
    Table zp_zenpage_news has been successfully created (or already exists).
    Table zp_zenpage_news_categories has been successfully created (or already exists).
    Table zp_zenpage_news2cat has been successfully created (or already exists).
    Table zp_zenpage_pages has been successfully created (or already exists).
    Table update failed!
    Error: Duplicate entry '' for key 2
    I still get the problem in my first message (When I try to edit a page already published through the Zenpage admin panel, I only get its text in the language actually selected but the other fields for the other languages are blank even if they are filled (the text is displayed for people visiting the web site). More : sometimes an english field is marked as french (and vice versa).

    Zenpage isn't already translated in french till it joined the main official Zenphoto package ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. Huh, that one seems new.. Did not get that myself. I have no idea right, hopefully sbillard will.
    2. I am sorry, I still did not have the time to dig into that. I hopefully will find enough time soon and of course that will be fixed.
    3. Yes. There would be a inconvenient way to get the old separate translation working again but that would mean readding the functions for it manually (They are still there). But best is to join the translation as I sent on the translation group.
  • 1. ok (in fact this is not the first time I get it, the first time was after the upgrade to ZP 1.2.3 if I remember well)
    2. ok, thank you for consider this, actually I can't use the Zenpage plugin for this reason
    3. Hmm. I must have missed something...
  • More :
    Actually I'm wondering if there is not a problem with tinyMCE and the multilingual plugin.

    For example, if french language is actually selected and displayed in my admin panel, when I want to add a link in an article, the link edit popup displays weird things like :


    But if english language is selected, the link edit popup displays the good strings :
    Link URL
    Link list
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Re:1-3 No problem of course want that to work generally and since it did before it must be related to Zenphoto's multilingual changes. It has top priority for me currently if that helps....

    Re tinymce: That might be, but should not affect tinyMCE in general. Strings like "{#advlink_dlg.titlefield}" are actually just untranslated tinymce strings. It uses its own js way for translations and is probably not able to have several instances with several translations.
  • 1-3 : thank you (yeah it helps !)

    tinymce : Yes I know that there is a problem with the translation of the strings, can you reproduce it ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just found some time to dig into this.

    Well, just tried I can reproduce the confusing behaviour in multilingual mode (content of german becomes content of the english string etc). I have to admin I have no idea currently. the two language strings list functions I mentions seems not to be different for their basic functionality... Guess I need some help by the "chief" here...

    Update: Must be a Zenpage issue as I can't reproduce it with album descs or title...

    I also can see the tinymce issue. Weird is that some of the buttons contain a translation (german as the selected main language in my case). I actually can't remember if that hasn't been that way for ever. Do you maybe since you use the multilingual feature more extensive than I actually do? Anyway, I am not sure if anything can be done if that is.
  • Great ! (in a way...)

    About the tinymce problem (not translated strings), I had the same problem with zenpage version 1.0.1 [3429]. In fact I noticed it after the 1.2.3 Zenphoto upgrade. Before I had no problem.

    Thank you for your time.
  • Hi guys,
    anything new about it ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, sbillard sent a fix I will test today (I am sure it works though). It will be in tonight's nightly for sure. Sorry, it seems this issue is my fault, I did miss a detail while restructuring Zenpage (well, there is a reason why sbillard is the "chief", isn't it..:-)).
  • Fine !
    I can't wait to try the zenphoto-2009-02-16-trunk !
    Does it fix the Zenpage problem or the tinymce translation strings issue (or both) ?

    Don't feel sorry, thank you for your great job !
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, this only fixes the quite urgent multilingual issue. About the tinymce one: It actually should use the one that is selected as the backend language and the config data that is printed looks ok. Not sure why that does not work yet.
  • The multilingual issue is fixed for me with the last nightly - zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3488].
    Thank you !

    But I still get the untranslated strings with tiny MCE...
    Do you have any idea about it ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, currently not but will try to find out.
  • This is weird, the strings are only translated in english, none of the other languages are working.
    I'm just stuck.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I got it. Somehow the translation files for tinymce's advanced theme (tinymce, the themes and the plugins have separate files). I guess that happened when I made the slim lined zenphoto tinymce theme for the admin edit pages. Somehow they were moved instead of copied... You can download them on the tinymce website if you need them right now and place them there. But I will readd them soon.

    Update: I just updated TinyMCE itself and readded the missing languages. Everything should be back to normal now...
  • I've updated to the last nightly (zenphoto version 1.2.3 [3498]).
    Everything is fixed.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You are welcome..:-)
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