a)Can you search on the results of a previous search to filter your results
b)If you are in a album/subalbum what’s the best way of limiting a search to that album/subalbum
c)If you use printTags to display the tags associated with an image/album, and you click on one of the tags, how can you limit the resultant search to show only other images in the same album.
zenphoto version 1.2.2 [2983]
B,C: what theme do you use that has a search function on an album/image page? Anyway, the only way to limit searches is through boolean expressions. You would have to build a custom search page/form which added the boolean logic to the search.
Using Default theme, and have added search function to the album and image pages. May remove them because it implies in-context search, so better to have search at gallery level only. I read elsewhere* of problem with mixing tag searches with searches on other fields, so suspect it may not be possible to search by albumname AND tagname. Shame.
*(ticket 977 If you do a search using AND between an element which is a Tag and one which is in one of the other fields, the search will not find any matches.)