MySql error when deleting an album

I get a mysql error when I try to delete an album. I'm using the nightly build version 3454.

Here are the steps that I followed to reproduce the problem:

* Click on the edit tab
* Click on the delete icon for an album
* Confirm by clicking "OK" on the two confirmation dialogs

This results in the following error message:

Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( DELETE FROM `zp_comments`WHERE `type` IN ("images","_images"') AND `ownerid`=24 ) failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '') AND `ownerid`=24' at line 1


in query (class-image.php [505])
in _Image->deleteImage (class-album.php [893])
in Album->deleteAlbum (admin-edit.php [306])

I took a look at the source code but it's not immediately obvious to me how to fix this. Anyone have any ideas?


  • Actually, I think I worked around the issue by manually deleting the album directory in zenphoto/albums/, then purged the cache and refreshed the database on the Overview tab.
  • Looks like a typo in the code. We will get a fix into tonight's build.
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