I really want to be able to display QuickTime (.mov) files but so far I'm unable to do so. The documentation says that it is possible.
Please give a brief instruction. I'm at this point already... the .mov file is uploaded
the video something or other (can't remember right now) plugin is checked as on.
Video doesn't appear in the thumbnails for that directory.
Does the video whatever plugin conflict with other plugin? Any other settings I should be making before expecting to see (and play) a thumbnail of my movie?
In brief, what is the secret? (It's a Macintosh environment on the displaying end so no problems with QuickTime here).
Being on Mac tooI had trouble myself. The reason for my issues was that my browser plugin was an older one that was not compatible. Don't know why that was not updated with the newer Quicktime. Maybe you should check that manually in your libary folder if it is really the one matching your Quicktime version.
Regarding thumbnails for videos please read this: http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/08/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#19