want to loop though all top level albums in album.php


i am a newbie to php and zenphoto - I would like to replace the prev / next links in album.php and have the name of the albums instead.

next_album(); loops through the subalbums
getparentablums(); does nothing.

I would like to list the siblings of the current album.

Any ideas?


  • look up the album object function getsubalbums() [I am not where I can look it up at the moment, spelling may differ.] Use the function with $_zp_current_album. The function will return you a list of album names.
  • I do not want a list of the subalbums but a list of the siblings of the current album.

    So e.g.

    I have at the top: Album 1; Album 2; Album 3 and Album 4.

    I am looking at the images in Album 2 on Album.php but I also want top have on this page the direct links to Album1, Album 3 and Album 4. Instead of next and prev.

    Can this be done?

  • btw I am a newbie so things need to be explained very simply!
  • I would like to know as well.

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