Album won't delete even though cache is no longer there

I have an album here - called 'our miniature mares - and I have deleted it but it remains with a picture with a big cross in it.. I have deleted the cache via ftp and can't see any of the pics anywhere and checked for problems on the database via my host and purged the cache via zenphoto and refreshed the database.. but its still there. Ok dear.. I do have a backup but it takes ages to load........ and am worried it might just happen again. Jus tto add that I am on the very latest version of zenphoto...with zenpage which is not enabled!


  • What happens when you delete the album? It clearly is not being deleted. (Otherwise there would be no title and description.
  • It doesn't show anywhere in zen photo - nor in my cache, nor in the albums directory - so I can't think what to do - it doesn't exist!
  • It does not seem to be there now. If it appears nowhere it must have been deleted.
  • well I never it must have been my isp caching it.. thanks everyone for your help. Now I just have to finish what I've started!
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