multi-user galleries?

I installed this last night and played around with it a bit. It looks very cool.

What would be really cool for me, however, would be the ability to setup a portfolio site with multi-user galleries that included the users contact info, specialites and a search feature.

I have a "find a photographer" database on my site now, but it only includes one thumbnail image. I would love to be able to integrate zenphoto with my database and provide galleries for my members that they can maintain themselves.




  • trisweb Administrator
    This is definitely a possibility in the future, though not implemented yet. The code is set up so it's possible to have multiple galleries in one installation, but it would take a lot of coding to implement it.

    If you still really want to use Zenphoto for this, they could each get their own installation in a subdirectory, but that's a hassle, and you could probably find better solutions for that.
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