On ZP I uploaded a different watermark and it is not showing. When I switch to the default ones or to my old one, they are not showing any more either. My old one did show until now, even on newly uploaded images.
What I did:
- Upload wm2.png to /plugins/watermarks
- switch from wm1 to wm2 in options → image
- Clear /cache and browser cache again and again
- switch back and forth between wm1.png, wm2.png and default watermarks
- Check filenames in /cache/... – they have the correct wm1 or wm2 alright, depending on which I picked
- chmod /cache and /plugins/watermarks to 777, 755, 644,...
Anything I missed? Thanks!
Have you looked directly at the images in the cache? Do they have the watermark on them? How about if you use one of the supplied watermarks, does it show?
@acrylian: No, haven't looked at logs.
debug-1.log consists of the same two Notices over and over again (6MB of it), only the dates change:
{4547:Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:14:53 GMT}
NOTICE: Undefined variable: galleryactive in /themes/frokost/header.php on line 359
include called from include (news.php [1])
from index.php [93]
{4551:Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:14:59 GMT}
NOTICE: Undefined variable: videopresent in /themes/frokost/album.php on line 154
include called from index.php [93]
debug.log is pretty much the same. I guess I should look into those but it seems they're unrelated. Are there other logs I could look into? security.log didn't reveal anything either.
File too large or corrupt seems unlikely as after switching to the new one and back the old watermark stopped working, too. File sizes are pretty much equal.
@sbillard cleaned cache again and again. Downloaded image from cache, no watermark on them. Supplied ones don't show either.
By the way: you guys are not only producing a fantastic piece of software, you also are the best in supporting it! Thanks a lot!
I installed the support master on a test-domain and sure enough watermarking works like it should. I haven't really grasped the difference in between support master and the release version, as version numbers seem to be the same. Should I wait for the next release? Or can I use support master on my live site?
Thanks again, have a good weekend!
Dev build -> This is the developlement of the next release, in this case 1.4.5, that gets all the new features planned.
Edit: I have updated the installation page with this additional infos as well
So I'll just wait for and see if that fixes the watermark issue.
I am a bit reluctant using it on the live site as I had errors on the test site once I switched to my custom theme. some calls to undefined functions, like printLatestNews and printCustomMenu – but maybe they go away if I use the proper database with news and custom menu enabled?
OF course testing on a live site is never recommended although the support build should not cause issues in regard to compatibility.
printLatestNews and printCustomMenu are plugin based functions (Zenpage and menu manager) so you naturally get errors if you have no checks for function_exists() in your custom theme.
Thanks again, will let you know if other issues turn up.