It is possible to show the Full size image of the photo instead of sized photo when viewing photo?
For example:
http://www.hkceleb.com/pic/nick-brazel/nick-brazel-080502-084621.jpg.htmI want the system show following photo
http://www.hkceleb.com/pic/albums/nick-brazel/nick-brazel-080502-084621.jpginstead of
http://www.hkceleb.com/pic/nick-brazel/image/640/nick-brazel-080502-084621.jpgAlso, is it possible to disable resize feature as I usually resize before upload.
One more thing, when the resized photo does not contain EXIF info?
But actually it is not necessary. Just set the image resizing option on the backend to "not upscale" and upload images that are the same size or smaller than the size set. Then they will not be resized.
If Zenphoto has processed the image the resized image does not have exif data, but the full image you uploaded is not touched so everything stays intact there.