Image Rotation

Why can't I get the images to rotate as they should. The EXIF data is accurate and the thumbnails DO rotate...

Images DSC_0728 & DSC_0748 are the culprits.

Any help or other ideas (from you experienced users) for easily tarting up the gallery welcomed.

I should add that the Rotate function in the Admin is checked !!


  • You may need to purge your cache. This looks like the image was already cached in the wrong rotation.
  • The images have now rotated but are displaying as landscape instead of portrait causing the images to stretch.

    I have cleared and refreshed the cache to get this result.

    What on earth am I doing wrong here? Lol.
  • can you delete and re-upload the images? Or if you are comfortable with database editing, just delete the database records for these images. The height/width values stored in the DB are the old landscape ones and the theme is using them in the html.
  • Tried removing the pictures, updating the cache and the re-uploading them and refreshing again. Didn't work.

    However, with my limited database experience, I did manage to go in and edit the tables so that the images now appear correctly.

    Thanks for you help :)
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