zpBootstrap tag search results error on smartphones

Firstly big thanks to 'vincent3569' for his efforts in bringing us some great themes! I have moved my gallery to zpBootstrap for a more responsive layout.

It all seems to work beautifully on my laptop but I have noticed on my smartphone that when I click on a tag that yields more than about 500 results and then use the pagenav to go beyond the first page of results I get the following error:

Warning:array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /mounted-storage/home99a/sub005/sc62105-HHGW/www/[sitename]/zp-core/class-search.php on line 1511

I have noticed the slideshow link dissappears at lower screen widths too, dont know if that is connected.

Any clues??
Many thanks


  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    sorry but I have no idea about your issue.
    have you tried another theme (zenpage or zpMobile standard one for example) with you smartphone ?
    the provided error is not from my theme but from the core of zenphoto.

    with the themes above, as zpBootstrap, you could access to tags from archives link.
  • Have you tried the support build?
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