I just upgraded a test installation from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and the thumbs are not cropped properly, i.e. the cropped images are distorted, as if the full image size is applied the wrong way to the 100x100 thumbs. I tried to set the image longest size (600px) to both the longest and the shortest size, in both cases the square thumb is distorted so that either the images are too wide or they are too narrow. To create the thumbs, I am using
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(),null,100,100); ?>
Note that in the previous version 1.2.2 the thumbs are ok.
The same theme works fine in previous versions 1.2.2 and 1.2.1
1) If I clear the cache, then call printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(),null,100,100) and printCustomSizedImage(getAlbumTitle(),null,100,100) the images are distorted, both for the album and image thumbs.
The cache contains images named as follows:
IMG_NNNN.JPG_w100_h100.jpg (both for the album and image thumbs)
2) If I clear the cache, then call printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(),null,100,100,100,100) and
printCustomSizedImage(getAlbumTitle(),null,100,100,100,100) the images are cropped correctly, for the image thumbs but incorrectly for the album thumb.
The cache contains images named as follows:
IMG_NNNN.JPG_w100_h100_cw100_ch100.jpg - cropped correctly for the image thumbs, and
IMG_NNNN.JPG_w100_h100.jpg - still cropped badly for the album thumbs.
The problem is totally reproducible. I did the above tests on a clean install, clean cache each time.
So, for the image thumbs, the solution to the problem is to always call the printCustomSizedImage() function specifying all four parameters: width, height, crop width and crop height. This, however, does not fix the problem for the album thumbs generated by printCustomAlbumThumbImage().
The problem can be fixed for both the album and image thumbs if the two functions are called with all four parameters: width, height, crop width and crop height.
This is the call generating the image...
'<img src="' . getMainSiteURL() . $randomImage->getCustomImage(null, $width, $height, null, null, null, null) . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="'.$randomImage->getTitle().'"';