I'm so glad to discover every new things in the new 1.2.3 version ! Great job, it's such a pleasure to follow the progression of the project.
on question concerning the very basic usage of google_mamps plugin.
as it is activated by default, and because some of my pictures are geotagged, I expected to saw a new ... button, to generate maps but I didn't find anything ...
could you write me one word to explain what I've to do use the plugin ?
but concerning the theme, I use the default one. Shall I modify it ?
`<?php if (function_exists('printImageMap')) {
} ?>`
Clic on the link display the map.
But before, you need to go the Googlemap plugin's options.
time to get one, and I let you inform.
concerning this point, there is an excellent open-source library that makes the same job : openlayers (http://www.openlayers.com/)
... don't need any key ...
that could be a new plugin for the futur !
excellent feature !