Error on adding bulk tags

Upgraded to and discovered an issue I'm having while adding tags either to an individual photo or to a number of them using the "Bulk Actions" option. See here for video:

I ultimately end up with the following error message:

The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: zp-core
Image: admin-edit


  • Thanks for the video. It really helps to see what is happening.

    I suspect that there is a limit to what your browser/server will allow in a "POST" operation and that 60 images has exceeded it. Try the same thing with fewer images on the page.
  • Yeah I was thinking the same thing, but even when I try to do it on an individual photo I get the same error. Let me know if there is any other info I can provide that would be helpful.
  • Just to be sure we are on the same page, what I mean is set the option for images per page to a small number, say 1 and try it.
  • Ya thanks for the clarification - once I dropped it down to display 5 images per page the tagging action completed successfully. Is the POST limit something I can change within my php configuration, or is that something beyond my control if I'm on shared hosting? Thanks for your help.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You will need to ask your host. On a shared host you most likely are not allowed to change such settings.
  • There is indeed a post size (can't remember what just now) in the PHP settings. But that may not be the only limiting factor.
  • Just checked, post_max_size in php.ini is set to 1024M so ya I'm guessing there's something else thats factoring in. I'll check the error logs on the server and see if there are any hints in there, thank again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It might be that you can set that in php.ini but your provider setup the server to ignore this like certain other settings possible. On my host I can change things via htaccess but also not all.
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