Littles mistakes with zenpage


I want to add a picture to an article.
I go to zenpage -> Add an article -> clic on 'Insert image' icon -> clic on 'Navigate' icon.
Then I get an error => Permission denied: session/ is not writable.

I want to add a picture to an article.
I go to zenpage -> Add an article -> clic on 'tinyzenpage' icon -> choose options (Image, custom size, link to image, no wrap) -> choose picture
Then I get a link with a wrong path to my picture: /vautours/2008-11-10_VautourFauve_1936.jpg.php
Must be /zenphoto/vautours/2008-11-10_VautourFauve_1936.jpg.php

In zenpage-default theme (sidebar), there is a printAlbumMenu function that doesn't seems to exist ??

In sidebar, function printAllNewsCategories point on http://mysite/zenphoto/news but when I clic, I get this error: "Object zenphoto don't found. Page: news"
Fatal error: Call to a member function getFolder()

`<?php printAllNewsCategories("All news",TRUE,"","menu-active"); ?>`

Thanks for your help.

my site
Version de Zenphoto 1.2.3 [3503] (Version officielle) (latest nightly)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. Try setting this: `chmod -R 777 zp-core/plugins/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/session` You probably need to use your ftp client for that.

    2. Working for me. You might want to try the nightly. Zenpage is now included in Zenphoto in case you don't know.

    3. You need to enable the plugin of that name and of course since you seem not to use the Zenpage-default theme you need also to add the function to your theme files.

    4. Please try with the Zenpage-default theme. You probably did not setup your theme correctly. You need to have two additional theme pages called `pages.php` and `news.php`. Please read the theming tutorial for Zenpage on the Zenpage project site and look at the Zenpage default theme as an example.
  • Thanks acrylian !!

    1. works perfectly now

    2. I've tried with the nightly from this morning(Version de Zenphoto 1.2.3 [3503] (Version officielle))
    My ZP install is http://mysite/zenphoto/, not http://mysite/

    3. I was thinking printAlbumMenu were a zenpage's function, not a plug-in. Sorry.

    4. I've created a pages.php and a news.php for my theme. I try with the Zenpage-default theme -> same error. You can give a try here (clic 'All news')
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am sorry, I didn't look closely enough. Indeed I can somehow reproduce 2. and 4. (without the getFolder error though) now. I have an idea about that though...I will try to look into that. I have opened tickets for that.
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