iptc, tags


I just wanted to know if it is possible to write things like tags or description in the imge files after a zenphoto editing process.

Thanks for your answers,



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, the GDlib does not support meta data.
  • @tancrede
    I came up with a hack to solve this:
    1. download the "IPTC EASY 1.0" class from the comments on http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.iptcembed.php
    2. Save as iptc.php in the zp-core folder in your zenphoto install
    3. add the following code, immediately before the line `$tags = array_flip(array_diff($tagsLC, $existing));` in your functions.php file:

    $filename = query_single_row("SELECT filename FROM ".prefix('images')." WHERE id = '".$id."'");
    $albumid = query_single_row("SELECT albumid FROM ".prefix('images')." WHERE id = '".$id."'");
    $folder = query_single_row("SELECT folder FROM ".prefix('albums')." WHERE id = '".$albumid['albumid']."'");
    $iptc = new iptc(SERVERPATH.'/albums/'.$folder['folder'].'/'.$filename['filename']);
    $iptc->set(IPTC_KEYWORDS,implode('; ',$tags));
  • You might be better off making this a plugin that handles the `save_image_custom_data` filter. Then you don't have to modify the core files. In addition, the album and image names are redily available to you from this filter, no querys needed.

    Also, just a warning to anyone wishing to use this code. There is a function to get the name of the albums folder which should be used. Otherwise if you do not have the "standard" folder name this code will fail.
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