when i try to post comment i receive this message!
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_comments` (`ownerid`, `name`, `email`, `website`, `comment`, `inmoderation`, `date`, `type`, `ip`, `private`, `anon`) VALUES ("5", "dfdfdfdfdfdf", "ererwerwerwer@g.com", "", "sdfsdfwerewrewrwe", "0", NOW(), "_images", "", "0", "0") ) failed. Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
It looks like your zenphoto tables haven't been created. You may need to run the setup script.
in query (functions.php [1009])
in postcomment (class-image.php [631])
in _image->addcomment (functions-controller.php [222])
in zp_handle_comment (controller.php [46])
in require_once (template-functions.php [19])
in require_once (index.php [15])
once i removed this option the comments working very well.
any idea why?