plugin options - button SAVE missing

Hi, I am missing the button SAVE (plugin options) to submit changes in the latest nightly build. Thanks Klimas


  • This is usually an indication of some sort of CGI error. You will need to look at your error logs to find what is wrong.
  • Hi, this bug occured again. I have upgraded to the latest build 1.2.4 [3774]. In plugin options there was button SAVE. Than I have enabled new plugin (plugins - slideshow) and the button SAVE in plugin options has dissapeared :(
  • So, what error are you getting, then?
  • I am getting "There are no plugin options to administer. " instead of any button.
  • This message is an indication that none of the plugins you have selected registered an options interface. Which plugins do you have installed?
  • Please look at the image of my plugins:

    I can send you login to check it by yourself if you want.
  • Ok, found the problem. It will be fixed in the nightly build tonight. But you can work around it by either disabling the tag_suggest plugin or enabling one of the plugins further down in the list.
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