Exclude unpublished albums from random images


I'm using printRandomImages() and printLatestAlbums() functions to display random images and latest albums thumbs, however albums (and their subalbums) that are unpublished are also being displayed in these thumbs. How can i exclude the unpublished albums from being included?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You are probably logged in because then you get them all.
  • I am logged out but i noticed that even when an album is unpublished all its subalbums still show up in random images and latest albums thumbs. Is there a way to automatically unpublish subalbums when the main album is unpublished?

    I want to manually link to a specific album and don't want any of its subalbums' contents to show in the index page.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can set the default for albums and images on the "Publish content" utility that is located on the admin overview page.
  • I've got a follow up question to this post.

    Effervescence+ is a great theme, however I've noticed that in its random display (at the top of the main page) it displays unpublished images to logged in users who don't have management rights on those images.

    Is there anyway to avoid this behavior?
  • No simple way. You would have to modify the guts of the random image function to omit any album which is not "managed" by the admin.
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