Installation Success, uploading failure

I was able to install on subdomain ( and the admin works fine, as does viewing the gallery (styles are applied). But when I create an album and upload photos, the photos the thumbnails have a red x next to them and do not appear ... nor do they appear on the gallery.

Albums have been chmod to 777 ... I'm I doing something wrong?



  • trisweb Administrator
    Can we have a look at your gallery? Much easier that way.
  • EddieG5 Member
    Absolutely ... sending you an email now.

  • trisweb Administrator
    It looks like a problem with mod_rewrite -- check your .htaccess file and make sure it has the `RewriteBase /` line in it.

    Also, do you have any other .htaccess files in any parent directories that could be interfering?

    If your .htaccess looks fine and you're still having problems, you can try disabling mod_rewrite in the config.php file.

    Also, the version in SVN has a new fully-compatible version of the stopdesign theme checked-in (no changes needed). You might want to try that. :)
  • EddieG5 Member
    What's the address to checkout the latest version in SVN?

  • trisweb Administrator
    The repository is at

    But you can look at changes, etc. in WebSVN here:
  • EddieG5 Member
    Great! So, to check out a clean version, would I do:

    svn co htp:// .

    Is that right?
  • trisweb Administrator
    There's a better command if you just want the files, and not an actual SVN working copy:

    `svn export zenphoto-svn` where zenphoto-svn is the directory to download into.

    Read more here:
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