Hey peoples!
I just upgraded to 1.2.3, and I for some reason comments aren't showing up underneath the images.
For example, under the admin, I can see that this picture (
http://zerflin.com/ZenPhoto/index.php?album=artwork/Photography+People&image=Us+Two.jpg) has a comment underneath it, but it's not showing up under the image.
I tried switching to your default design, and that didn't work.
Any ideas?
I tried it out, but this shows up in the comment fields:
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: stored in <b>/home/content/b/j/a/bjancewicz/html/ZenPhoto/themes/default/image.php</b> on line <b>105</b>
Check it out: http://zerflin.com/ZenPhoto/index.php?album=proof/Driven+and+Determined+Entertainment&image=As+World+Logo+v2.jpg