getting Lightbox working

I cant seem to get the lightbox working (in the Chili-light theme), I have activated the theme but on clicking an image it just goes to a darkened screen. I tried the Chililight theme with lightbox 2 but that fails to run at all...! (styling seems a bit off even though I've not touched it but I can sort that out later)
I planned to use just the default theme with the slimbox activated, and by reading around I assume I did everything you're meant to; insert the js and css links in the header of the page, place the js and css files in linked to folders and so on, add a 'rel="lightroom"' bit in the album.php page and adjust the line to get the image rather than the image page... but it seems I'm being an utter idiot and can't get it to run at all, hence my attempt at getting the chili- theme going...and falling flat on my face with it straight out of the box! is there a pre-fab default one about with the lightbox/slimbox activated at all? its been doing my head in for the past few days as I'm clearly missing something but just can't see it


  • p.s. here's the post of where 'how to do it' came from: though I may have got the wrong end of several sticks in trying to implement the included scripts (that come with the standard zenphoto download)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The problem would be that this theme is old and has not been updated for a long time. Meanwhile Zenphoto skipped the js libaries prototype and scriptaculous in favor of jQuery. The original Lightbox requires these both.

    Alternatively Zenphoto comes with Thickbox included. See the Zenpage default theme that uses it for example

    There is also a lightbox variant for jQuery:
  • ah, that might explain a bit why it wasn't working. I did try adding lightbox 2 as an alternative as well, with scriptaculous etc. scripts in the folder with it but would the zenphoto jquery make these essentially not function then?
    thanks for the link, I'll have a play and report back :)
  • nope. still not working...and its doing my head in!
  • i have the same problem exactly
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