no thumb


(ps: sorry for my english)

i have a simple issue:
i use easyphp (apache 1.3.33 for windows and my sql 4.1.9) php 4.3.10 with gd 2.0.28 support.

in the cache folder, the thumbs are created but on my browser, i can't see them, instead of the thumbs, there is the picture name. however it seems to work correctly when i upload my website to my provider server.

my second question:
when and how the cache folder gets empty?

thanks in advance for your advices!!


  • In the config.php there are path overrides.. modify those with the correct paths and see if that fixes your probleme.

    as far as the cache goes.. the cache goes.. there is a value called maxcache in the config.php Maximum size in Megabytes of the cache folder (where processed images are stored). After this is hit, a cleanup function will run and delete some least recently used resized images.
  • drebin Member
    ok, i'll try that, thanks for your answers
  • trisweb Administrator
    The max_cache isn't used yet; you have to clean it up on your own.

    Everyone's going to need to delete all their cache anyway when you upgrade to 1.0.3 (it's organized differently), so don't worry about it ;-)
  • jethan Member
    I am sorry to ask again and again the same question. Everything worked fine (installation easy, db creation ...). But no pictures displayed and I get a 404 file not found. I know it's the path but I cannot fix it.
    I tried the webpath and serverpath but it doesn't work.
    My URL :
    I checked the config ; the i-php ..
    I am not very familiar with php ..
    Thank you for your help.
  • trisweb Administrator
    jethan -- your server doesn't have mod_rewrite support. In the config.php, change `$conf['mod_rewrite'] = 'true';` to `$conf['mod_rewrite'] = 'false';`
  • jethan Member
    Great it works. Thank you so much.
    Actually I tried with the 'false' between quotes it didnn't work and then I tried the false without quotes and it did work. Why ? I don't know. Again thank you for your help
  • trisweb Administrator
    Oh, right, no quotes. False without quotes means False, but false with quotes, `False` is a string, and strings evaluate to True no matter what they are :)

    Sorry for the confusion.
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