I'm looking for the best way to display a random unpublished Zenpage page on my index page.
In fact I have 5 unpublished pages made with Zenpage, I'd like to use or to build a function to display randomly one from them (and only from them) each time the home page is loaded.
Now, I use that kind of code to display (unrandomly) an unpublished page :
<?php printPageContent($titlelink='pagetitle',$published=false); ?>
Do you have any idea about the best way to proceed ?
Thank you for your time.
You could also build your own function. The easiest would probably be to get the unpublished pages via `getPages()` (refering to the nightly) into an array and then use the standard php functions `rand()` and `srand()` to get a random page from them.
Thank you for your answer.
I can't find any getPages() functions documentation here :
I'm trying the second option and build my own function.
In a customfunctions.php file I add this code (found elsewhere, I'm a php nightmare) :
function randomtxt()
$num_breve=rand(0, sizeof($breves) );
echo $breves[$num_breve];
but (of course...) it doesn't work : printPageContent, titlelink and published are considered as Undefined variables.
Do you have any idea about it ?
Also the correct usage would be `getPageContent('titletink-of-the-text-01',false);`. Maybe a better way to load the array is if you know the exact number of pages:
$breves = array();
$breves[0] = getPageContent('titletink-of-the-text-01',false);
Thank you so much, Malte !