Hello, onto my zenphoto gallery, i've this problem:
I've update the content of one page ; and after click on the button 'Apply', nothing is displaying on the webpage.
http://zenphoto.dev.stephane-huc.net/pages/ZenPaypal-PluginIt's a multilinguage page... EN and FR.
This problem not exists on others pages.
I explain:
In this zenpage script pages.php modified, for my plugin zengeshi, i call your getPageContent() function. In this case, after updated my content to publy and inform the new version of zenpaypal, no content is displaying because the return of function is empty ; but the content is in database.
I've pasted the content value on
http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640102/I've attempting to modify others pages, and result not problem.
I don't know the reasons.
And if i use: `var_dump( getPageContent() );`
return: `string(0) ""`
For you can see even that is really unique to this page, I left the var_dump () function enabled ... So surf on another internal page
i use the version: Zenphoto
And other problem, on the administration panel, his content page is empty... but the content database is full.
(cf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5640865/ )
I open a new post for the bug onto panel admin ;-)