RSS links not valid

Hi there,
I installed Zenphoto few weeks ago, and the RSS feed was working fine.
But for a few days, the links displayed are wrong:
the & are replaced by &, and so the links to pictures dont work any more.

Here an example of link generated by the rss :

Before, this link used to link directly to the picture, but because of the &, the link goes on the album.
I think this bug appears when I created an album which name contain the & character. I removed it now.

Any ideas would be really welcome.



  • Flux Member
    okies the & are replaced by the "& amp;", sorry it did not work well when i posted it..
  • Flux Member
    any ideas ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I would say just avoid using "&" in file-/foldernames. How shall the server know that the "&" is part of a filename and not of the url query? You can of course have it as a album/imagetitle as these are independend.
  • Flux Member
    Ok i fixed it, I removed the ![CDATA[ in the <link> tag,
    and then add an htmlentity_decode() for the uri string.

    Working fine now.
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