custom thumbnail cropping -- problem

I'm trying to crop some thumbnails with the new cropping tool. This looks like it will be great if I can get to work. When it puts the original image into the middle box so that i can drag the cropper, the image is not being resized so it covers the check boxes and save controls. So while I can drag the cropper around, I cannot save the finished thumbnail!
You can see this here in a screengrab:

I cannot find any settings to force the image to resize into the provided box. And I cannot find anyone else having this problem on the forums. Any idea? Thanks.


  • You should try the nightly build.
  • I guess you're saying I should upgrade to the latest nightly build, rather than using the latest "version?" I'll try it.
  • Well I tried it. Version 1.2.3 [3576]. The downloaded ZIP was ""

    And it still does the same thing. Was this supposed to have been fixed in a nightly build? Was there a particular nightly build that has it? Any other suggestions?

  • And lastly for the night -- here's one that will drive you mad.
    I have a second ZP install on a different part of my site. I uploaded the same images and the cropping works fine there. or treaters/

    So, any idea why would the SAME batch of images not work from one install to another? I'm going to try uploading them again with different names and see what happens...
  • Some time ago there was a problem with thumbcrop and portrait images. That was fixed.

    You might try two things: Purge your image cache and refresh your database.
  • Thanks sbillard.
    I've done both. It's strange how it's working on images in one ZP install and not on the same images in another, and how it's only on some images. You're right that it's only portrait images. I'm curious if I crop the same images or rotate them so that they're landscape how it might work.

    I'm curious about your comment that this was a problem "some time ago." Wasn't the thumbnail cropper just introduced in version 1.2? Or has it been there all along and I never noticed?
  • *sigh*
    Okay sbillard, here's some new clues. I changed the 'image size' of the images: options > theme options > image size, and now I can crop fine.
    I originally had the setting to be 500, and the setting at "width." This is the actual size of the JPG images -- they are all 500px wide and various lengths. Therefore, this gives me the best image on the ZP image page. When I change it from 'width' to 'longest side' it fixes it. I can now crop. Changing it to 'shortest side' does NOT work. I am guessing this is because the size of the image is still the same. This is consistent on any of the images in this album -- including some images that are originally 300px wide and 600px wide that I included for testing. However, again, it's only on portrait images. Horizontal "landscape" images do not suffer this anomaly.
    Now here's the fun part. When I this image size set to 500px 'wide', images in other albums that previously worked suddenly do not work -- they do the same thing. What's the width of the original image? 500 pixels. Now going back to the ZP install that previously DID work, I see that the image size is set to the default of 595 pixels on the 'longest side.' When I change that to 500px 'wide' like the other install -- and then I purge the cache and refresh the database, what previously worked does not. If I go back to 595, it's fine.
    So as long as I have 'image size' set to something other than the original size of 500px wide, things seem to work. Obviously, I'd like to keep things at the original size since that gives me the best image. I'll likely have to make my thumbs in Photoshop for this to work. But I hope that this information can give you guys clues so that this can be fixed. I don't know if "500" is the culprit, or what. But at least it's consistent now.

  • Could you create a ticket for this. Attach some of your photos that show the problem (and describe the circumstances for each when they show the problem.) We'll get to the bottom of it.

    As to the "some time ago there was a problem..." You have to remember that software "years" are much shorter than people years. (Kind of analogous to dog yerars.)
  • Yes I'll do that. It'll take a few days before I have the time to re-create the circumstances and take screengrabs.
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