any way to show images that actually got comments ?

I mean a lot of users are askin me to "highlight" the images with comments in the thumbnails gallery.. is it possible ? or to show how many comments an image got.
this is my gallery if you wanna check


  • trisweb Administrator
    You can do that in the theme (album.php for that page)... the function is `getCommentCount()` and it returns the number of coments on the image. So you'd want to do something like,

    `<?php if (getCommentCount() > 0) { ... [highlight the image] ... } else { } ?>`

    Or just show the comment count, whatever you like.
  • basetta Member
    great! i'm trying to embed that right now! ill let u know
  • basetta Member
    hum,. i tried but I got a php error.. how do you highlight the image ? I can't code.. help!
    Is there a way to write the CommentCount on the mouse over for the thumbnail ?

  • trisweb Administrator
    Ah, you can't code...... you didn't say that... ;-)

    Well, you have to code.... and the way you highlight it would be to set a "style" attribute to one of the divs with a different background-color property. Like, `
    ` but only do that if the above conditional is true.

    Sorry I can't help you more, don't have time at the moment.
  • basetta Member
    ok, i'll try and see what happen... thanx!
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