Opening fullsized URL in popup window

Howdy all, we're pretty new to this cool world of zenphoto & are having quite a hard time with this issue of opening the fullsized image URL in a popup window. We have to have it this way as the client is requesting it for quick easy viewing through the site (which has lots of flash, xml stuff with motion). I've seen a post of two on this but have seen no answers as of yet. What we needs is not a lightbox/thickbox style viewer, nor is it a "_blank" window, we need as actual javascript style popup window. I got the album file to open up a popup last night but the variable called just duplicated the current window much smaller. I am curious if anyone out there has had any luck in calling the function inside of the javascript opener or has successfully done the popup window thing. Any & all help would be competely appreciated! Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am not sure I understand what you mean. A lightbox or whatever "box" script is a javascript popup window.... Please note that the image on the image.php theme page is the "sized image" and not the "full size" image. Please see the glossary on our site to avoid confusion on Zenphoto terms.
  • Ok sorry for my improper use of terms, yes the sized image. I want the clicked thumbnail on the album.php to launch the image.php in a specific sized popup window. I dont want to use the lightbox look or the thickbox look or a _blank window. The client really doesn't want any of that. So basically I just need the image.php launch in a popup window as to never navigate away from the album.php. Thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, problem, just wanted to make sure that we don't miss..:-)

    In that case using one of the many standard js popupscripts out there to open an modified image.php without the next/pre should be possible. I have not tried that though. (normal js popups are a little outdated actually...:-)
  • Thanks for the reply, ok well as long as it should work this is what I have coded in currently which is opening the popup window, but is opening up a duplicate copy of the current page
    `" onClick="OpenBrWindow('<?php echo htmlspecialchars(getAlbumLinkURL());?>','_blank','scrollbars=yes,status=1,resizable=1','490','600','true');return false;" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getAnnotatedAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAnnotatedAlbumTitle()); ?>`
    This again simply opens up a duplicate of the same album.php window on click(of the any of the thumbnails).
    I know the script is a little of date but they really want it & I dig the zenphoto thing a lot & would like to continue to use it.
    If you could let me know what looks wrong in my code, maybe it is that I can't call a function inside of the onClick handler (js thing).
    A link to the demo page can be found :
    This is just a demo of, the full thing looks much more elaborate. Please, any help would be appreciated, thanks again acrylian for all your help. Appreciate a ton!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You want the sized image (= image.php) to open in the popup, right? Then you should use `getImageLinkURL()`.
  • By the by, thank you acrylian, your advice/tips/solutions totally worked/helped/etc. I appreciate the heck out of it!
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