no description on index page

I'm using Stopdesign. I just uploaded 1.2.3 version (nightly build). With 1.2 the gallery description printed out O.K. but now the description doesn't show. I've tried it with both Firefox and IE-8.


  • It is a bug. A correction will be available in tonight's build.
  • Imlah Member
    I tried the next nightly (9-03-18-trunk) build but after set-up I get a blank page when trying to view my albums. I tried going straight to it rather than from the set-up page but I get the same result. I put 1.2.3 (9-03-18-trunk) back on and things work but without the Gallery Description.
  • Could you please find your CGI error logs and report what error occurred?
  • Imlah Member
    I can only find my access logs which are massive. I don't really know what I'm looking for.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There must be an error log. I suggest to ask your host if you don't find it.
  • Imlah Member
    I'm on a shared server so I don't have access to the error logs. My ISP offered to look through them to find those that belonged to me for $150 an hour. The CGI access logs are site specific but the CGI error logs are not.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am on a shared server, too, and I have an error log. You maybe should consider to move to another host...
  • Can you configure your PHP.ini file? If so set the error reporting to display on the WEB page. That way at least the error will be displayed. There is no way we can figure out what has gone wrong without the error report.
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