I don't know how to do to have comment in Zenpage. I push the publish button to green and the comment button to green also.
But when i test the blog i only have my article with this :
jeu 19 mar 2009 21:45:03 CET | Commentaires : 0 |
I have no button or something to activate to write a comment.
Can you help me?
PS : I use the last Nightly Builds : zenphoto-2009-03-20-trunk.zip
Thank a lot
The comment zone are display know but i can't leave a message. I have no error display.
I have notice another stange thing : some of the articles doesn't want to be publish. The check box stay in red.
I use the zenpage-default theme to do my test
Check to enable comment section for images.
The comment works fine for zenphoto and zenpage. But i dont' want comment for the gallery i only want comment for the blog with zenpage so i only check the :
Set to enable comment section for news and pages.
But with this box check, the comment are display but there are not save in the database.
The articles not wanting to be published is a bug that will be corrected in tonight's nightly.
The Zenpage comment section is actually separate from the images/albums. They should work independently. I can't reproduce that right now.
I'll delete all the folder and the database. I'll start a new installation with a new database with the tonight nighty.
I'll post the result after here
thanks again
I delete the database, the folder of zenphoto on my server. I start from the begin.
I replace this code :
`<?php if (getOption('Allow_comments')) { ?>` by
`<?php if (getOption('Allow_comments_hack')) { ?>` in the image.php in my theme and the comment are not display in the gallery.
I know that is not a good solution, but it's works for me.