Sidebar theme contents

Right now I am making a theme that has a sidebar for main gallery site(once sub-albums is done) and I am adding content to the side bar. I am able to get enough information on the acutal album and image pages but I am struggeling for content to include on the index page sidebar. I have heard others mention that they are trying to add a sidebar or doing stuff with a side bar but I havent seen a theme released so I am working on one but I need a little bit of help. What would you like to see on the sidebar...
Lemme know any thoughts, feedback, improvements. Please keep in mind that this is highly unfinished and my not even look like this in the end.
(use firefox if at all possible but should look fine with IE.. I know of a few issues)


  • aitf311 Member
    This looks pretty nice. Great work, I can definately see the use of this. You probably already know of this bug, but in FF when I mouseover, some images cause it to push images to the next line.
  • You know.. its funny.. before you even posted this.. I just checked it at work.. and it was doing that. I flipped out because it all worked fine at my house.. I just figured it out.. I had the border apply to .visited and .hover instead of just .visited and .a, so yeah.. while testing.. I must of clicked on every photo in my gallery.... Any ideas for front page sidebar content?
  • Just lookin for feedback/bugs... I am challenged visually. I am still working on a few more things like IE support(damn css) and EXIF, and trying to do some more with ajax(image transitions and what not) but otherwise... criticism welcome

    Please use firefox.. there are a few things IE doesnt support that I am still working on that really changes how it looks and functions.
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