Thumb of new gallery don't display on index page

But in archive mode it's ok and no "next page" link on index page also.I am use ver 1.23 with stopdesign theme.I have deleted the cached html files and it doesn't work.

Anyone could help me? thanks


  • Can you be more specific? Are they the wrong thumbs or is the thumb display broken?

    There is not supposed to be a next link on the index page. It just shows the most recent albums. For all the albums you have to go to the archive page.
  • sunix Member
    The thumb is ok and gallery display normally.

    uh..The problem is the thumb of new gallery didn't display on the index page.
    Recently Updated Galleries do not include the new gallery I build.There are six old thumbs linking to six old galleries,no thumb of my new gallery.

    However,the six small thumbs display on the Recent images columb in the lower part of page.

    Sorry for my poor English.
  • Your gallery sort order needs to be set to ID.
  • sunix Member
    Thank you!It's work. I haven't noticed that option before..
  • Borg Member
    If I set order by creation date in the "Recently Updated Galleries", also the "full" gallery will display in the same order.
    I would like to display gallery in alphabetical order in the full gallery, but in the "Recently Updated Galleries" I like to order by creation date.
    But this is not possible....

    I have 1.23 with Stop Design
  • There is no creation date in unix systems, mtime will give you the last time the file was changed.

    There is only one gallery sort order. However, it is possible to set the order "temporarily" by using the `setOption('option name', value, false)` version of the function.

    You could do this at the beginning of the archive page to set the order to filename.
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