Help me out with this "do not scale" crop mystery!

Hello gents,

I'm trying desperately to find out how to use Zenphotos crop features rather manually.

The reason is, I've built a Wordpress plugin ( which allows easy embed in any size of images in your gallery. The syntax is this:

[zenphoto src="image.jpg" album="album/subalbum" width="500"]

This all works fine and dandy, and it's really just a wrapper for `i.php`, for which the syntax is:


These parameters are documented in i.php as:

* s - size (logical): Based on config, makes an image of "size s."
* h - height (explicit): Image is always h pixels high, w is calculated.
* w - width (explicit): Image is always w pixels wide, h is calculated.
* cw - crop width: crops the image to cw pixels wide.
* ch - crop height: crops the image to ch pixels high.
* cx - crop x position: the x (horizontal) position of the crop area.
* cy - crop y position: the y (vertical) position of the crop area.
* q - JPEG quality (1-100): sets the quality of the resulting image.
* t - Set for custom images if used as thumbs (no watermarking.)
* - cx and cy are measured from the top-left corner of the _scaled_ image.
* - One of s, h, or w _must_ be specified; the others are optional.
* - If more than one of s, h, or w are specified, s takes priority, then w+h:
* - If both w and h are given, the image is resized to shortest side, then
* cropped on the remaining dimension. Image output will always be WxH.
* - If none of s, h, or w are specified, the original image is returned.

That brings me to my problem.

I can't for the life of me figure out which parameters to fill out, and which parameters not to fill out, to get the crop I want.

The situation is: I have a 625x124px image. That's the full size.

My blog has a maximum width of 600px in the width. So I want my image to fit. But I want it cropped, not scaled.

So, I want to fill in parameters so that I get a 600x124px image, with the 25 extra pixels chopped off the right side of the image. I do not want the image scaled either down or up.

So far I have:


but this seemingly creates a very much zoomed, upscaled crop. Very odd.

Any help is very much appreciated.
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