Need ideas for a Zenphoto Theme

Looking to build a PUBLIC THEME ... but would like ideas from the zenphoto community on what they really want in a theme .

I've built enough "personal" themes and know I can do something really nice.
Just list some feature request then I will start a github and create something :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, new themes are always welcome. I personally would only wish that it wil be a complete theme with Zenpage CMS support.

    I don't like to make any other suggestions (of course I am not the actual target of your question anyway...:-)) I think that all should be your decision primarily because you are also the one who would have to maintain it. And as you already know a theme is a bit of work. So maybe best not overload it with too much...;-)
  • I am already now about the maintenance and I am willing to go through it .. I think Zenphoto needs some more good full featured and simple themes and I would not mind donating some time to that since the software helped me so much.

    Full CMS support with all current popular plug-ins would be supported :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All right, just a friendly "warning"...:-) We absolutely agree about the need of more themes.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    can you explain what do you need ?
    some photogallery examples to inspire yourself ?

    there are some I like very much
    maybe, you can have a look on showcase to inspire yourself.

    according to me, simple themes and responsives theme would be wellcome
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, responsive is getting important. Btw, I made my own small responsive framework I am testing at the moment. I will surely later on release it.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    another way to explore : (with jquery masonry)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Nice and with endless scrolling (which I at time finde a bit cumbersome personally).
  • It will be a set of responsive templates.

    @vincent3569 thanks for the ideas ... I am already building 2 themes for and converting one to work with with Zenphoto ...

    One very simple and there other kinda fancy :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Right on! Already curious to see them..;-)
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