On my site (
http://10days.bzzagent.com/gallery/index.php?album=Day1&image=DSC_6854.jpg#) when a user posts a comment he/she'll get:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bzzagent/www/10days/gallery/index.php:5) in /home/bzzagent/www/10days/gallery/zen/template-functions.php on line 67
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bzzagent/www/10days/gallery/index.php:5) in /home/bzzagent/www/10days/gallery/zen/template-functions.php on line 75
Any idea on how to fix this ?
Other than the theme.. what else have you done to your gallery.. any special mods.. normally you will see those errors when integrating zp into another site like wp where the headers are sent outside of zp
If you put even one blank line in the config file, or one bit of HTML in any other file, it could cause that error.
As far as modifying anything, there is one thing, I added a line of HTML to return to the wordpress site at the top of each of the three main pages (index, album, detail). What could that do ?
That is most likely your problem. you might want to try this..(not sure how you have currently configured it) but my guess from what you said is with a php call you included/required a wordpress file into index/album/image.php is this correct.. ?
you are receiving a conflict because both wp and zp are trying to output header information.
include your wp file in the zp index.php before your require_once to template-functions.php
Since I dont really know how exactally you integrated it then if that still doesnt work, on line 66 of image.php in the template that you are using, change "isset($error)" with ($FIXME). Let us know how that works for ya
If all you did was create a link at the top.. that is not the problem.. i thougth you were pulling WP stuff into your install..
it is probably the blogbeat which is causing the errors. How and where did you integrate that into your zp installation
if it is the problem I would try a similar method that I mentioned above but with the blogbeat script.. put it in the index.php in your zproot indead of your template files.. see if that helps
So I re-aplied the modified default-dark I had. Still no dice but it looks good
Try to download the latest version again and re-upload the index.php in the zproot and the zen directory.
dont use the same config but rather put in your settings in the new config.php.
honestly I am out of ideas. I have zp integrated into many sites left and right on multiple different webserver types and configurations.. and I have only had THAT problem when modding the files to do something other than default. Which is why I am suggesting to download a new package..
anyone have any other better ideas.. ??????? I am about all out..
$themepath = 'themes';
$theme = $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme();
$_zp_themeroot = WEBPATH . "/$themepath/$theme";
if (in_context(ZP_IMAGE)) {
} else if (in_context(ZP_ALBUM)) {
} else if (in_context(ZP_INDEX)) {
You never specified weather or not you re-downloaded zenphoto and reuploaded your index.php and the zen directory and re entered the information in the config.php?
In the mean time, what type of server is this..
I'll let you know what I find..
With me, using Apache, PHP4 with Output Buffering turned off (the only way this problem can possibly appear), mod_rewrite off, etc etc. everything works perfectly.
And Daniel, since you say "zenphoto is my new hobby", want to help us out and become a dev? ;-)
Also try different permissions on that file, especially 777.
and yeah.. back on topic... I will also see still what I can find.. however I am not really feeling up to it now cause my Pistons lost tonight:-(
Tried switching themes, deleting the file, changing the permissions. No go. Same results.