warning using the flash slideshow function

Hi, I've enabled flowplayer3 to display the slideshows in the last nightly build (version 1.2.3 [3696]), it works fine but I get this message on the page :
Notice: Constant FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT already defined in /home/myincrediblesupersite/public_html/zptest/zp-core/plugins/flowplayer.php on line 28

Here is a list of my enabled plugins :
class-video v1.0.0
dynamic-locale v1.0.0
filter-zenphoto_seo v1.0.0
flowplayer3 v1.0
image_album_statistics v1.0.7.1
paged_thumbs_nav v1.0.5.3
print_album_menu v1.4.6.3
slideshow v1.0.6.6
zenpage v1.1

Can you reproduce that ?


  • Can you be specific on when this message appears? You are getting it from the old flowplayer plugin which should not be being loaded. (If both players get loaded, the error would be expected.) So, probably somewhere there is an error in selecting the player to load.
  • Never mind. I did find the place. Seems the slideshow has not been updated to know about the alternate player.
  • flu Member
    Hi Stephen.
    May I do something to fix that ?
  • I need to consult with arrylian on this to see why hte slideshow is loading this plugin. The fix if it must be loaded is to change the place FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT is defined to read `if (!defined('FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT')) define('
  • flu Member
    This problem is fixed in the brand new release 1.2.4.
    Thank you for your help.
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