Hi, I've enabled flowplayer3 to display the slideshows in the last nightly build (version 1.2.3 [3696]), it works fine but I get this message on the page :
Notice: Constant FLOW_PLAYER_MP3_HEIGHT already defined in /home/myincrediblesupersite/public_html/zptest/zp-core/plugins/flowplayer.php on line 28
Here is a list of my enabled plugins :
class-video v1.0.0
dynamic-locale v1.0.0
filter-zenphoto_seo v1.0.0
flowplayer3 v1.0
image_album_statistics v1.0.7.1
paged_thumbs_nav v1.0.5.3
print_album_menu v1.4.6.3
slideshow v1.0.6.6
zenpage v1.1
Can you reproduce that ?
May I do something to fix that ?
Thank you for your help.