admin rights security

i have deleted a user id login after going to the admin panel. But its still allowing me to login with that same user id and password. Can some one help me with this?

I had an id Guest and have shared its pwd with many friends so i wanted to delete this user id. But even after deleting this user id, it still allows me to login using the old id and pwd. when i go to the admin panel it doesnot show me that user id. I am very confused.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you clear the browser cache and cookies. Both are sometime more persisten than they should be.
  • Please add some detail.

    Was this a guest user? If so, for what items (gallery, search, an album....)

    What version of Zenphoto?

    There is a define you can set in functions-basic.php which will write all admin logon processing to the debug_log.txt file. You can set that option and see what is happening.
  • Yes, it was the Guest id i created. Even after deleting the Guest ID completely it was allowing me to login using the Guest User id and password. I cleared all cookies and cache and still it did not work.
  • I am using version 1.2.2 of Zen Photo. The Guest User id not not show up anywhere in the admin panel now as i have deleted this user id, but still i can login using the same Guest id and password. Pls help.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    In that case please upgrade to 1.2.4 first.
  • I Guess we are still unclear of the terminology.

    By `guest user`, I mean a user id created for the Gallery, search page, full image, or an album. These show up on the gallery congfiguration, image display, and the album edit tabs.

    Users you view from the admin information tab are `admin users`.

    If you are using Firefox, there is a high probablity that it has filled in one or more of the `guest users` without your being aware.
  • Guest user(User id: Guest) is something which i created myself (just a new user id) from my admin panel to give access to my friends to view my album without edit or delete rights.

    I deleted that user id completely but still the user id worked when i tried using it to login. I have tried it in IE and Firefox both and its same.
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