Quality of Thumbnails

As you can see in my gallery, the thumbnail quality isn't that great. Is there any way to improve it?

Also, when you click on a picture's thumbnail, it does't show you the full-size, you have to click again to view the full-size. Is there anyway you can change that as well?



  • trisweb Administrator
    Did you check the thumbnail quality variable in the config.php file? It's a setting, it might do something. :)

    Looks good!
  • Thanks Tristan! Still trying to position it. In config.php file, there is an option. But I was confused a little. If are number is higher, like 100, it would have the best quality, right? (D'oh I guess. Haha) Just wanted to check with ya.. :)
  • trisweb Administrator
    That's right, it's a straight-up JPEG quality value, higher is better.
  • Alright. Thanks. I will try soon. :)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Oh, you'll also have to clear your cache for it to work. Just delete all the images in the 'cache' folder. Try not to delete theme.txt or you'll have to select your theme again (that really should be in the database ;-).
  • It has made a little change. Looks good. :)

    I also wanted to ask, like see this for example: http://www.xeenat.com/gallery/Artwork/Macaw.jpg

    Is there anyway I can show the exact size when people click on the thumbnail of a picture, instead of clicking on it again to view the exact size?

    I hope I explained it well enough. :o If not, forgive me.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yes, you can alter your theme to do that.

    `<?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>`

    `image" alt="<?php echo getImageTitle(); ?>" />`

    In the image.php of your theme. But make sure you manually size images for your gallery, otherwise they could turn out quite large...

    If you want it to be only for a specific album, you could use a conditional, checking `$_zp_current_album->name;` for the specific name you want.
  • bk Member
    Thanks again! I will try that soon.
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