I am now working with the google maps plugin. Everything is really fine but just one thing:
If I use
<?php if (function_exists('printImageMap')) printImageMap(); ?>
to call the google maps thing I only get the link which I will have to click to open google maps.
What I really would prefere is to get instead of the link the google map displayed.
Can someone tell me if this is possible and which function I will than have to use for this?
Thanks a lot!
Maybe you should pass false for the toggle parameter.
My mistake was that I was searching at the wrong point...
I read the Plugin documentation but I didnt find the place where I would have to do the changes.
I everytime searched in the /plugin/google_maps/phoogle.php ...
Now I found the right place in the /plugin/google_maps.php !
Thx a lot for your help!