sub album thumbs

Updated to 1.2.4 on my 3 zenphoto installations. Noticed on one of the installs, the first sub album thumbs are being rendered cropped square 95px even though the rest of the thumbs are full image port/land 128px as they should be.
I see that the sub album thumb is named cp1.jpg_w95_h95_cw95_ch95_thumb.jpg.

Crop is unchecked, thumb size is set to 128px

I don't remember it being like this before?
How can I get these thumbs to display the same as the others?

This is my hierarchy:
main index/sub albums/sub albums/images




  • Is this the same install that is having the session problems?

    Do you by chance have any album theme active?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What theme do you use? The zenpage-default theme for example uses hardcoded album thumb sizes for layout reasons.
  • Thanks for the replies,

    Yes this is the same install as the sessions problem.

    Yes I am using the zenpage-default theme.

    Is it possible to change the hardcoded album thumb sizes, if so where?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure. Take a look at the next_album() loops on gallery.php and album.php. Note that you also need to change the css otherwise the album title headlines will be missplaced.
  • acrylian,

    Sorry I don't understand!

    I looked at the next_album() loops what exactly am I meant to put in them?

    'w_h_cw_ch_thumb' by any chance?

    Are the album thumb sizes set in gallery.php & album.php or in the CSS?

    Also where is the crop setting for them, my main index thumbs are not cropped or resized which is what I want for the album thumbs.

    Ah.... is cw & ch crop width & height?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenpage-default theme's gallery.php uses just the normal album thumb function that is set by the admin options:
    Line 35: `<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle()); ?>`
    Actually I meant to use the same there as on album.php which I admit to have forgotten. This is on album.php:
    Line 34: `<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(), NULL, 95, 95, 95, 95); ?>`

    If you don't have you should review the theming tutorial and look at the functions guide.

    Ah.... is cw & ch crop width & height?
    Yes, details on that are on top of `zp-core/i.php`
  • Thanks acrylian

    I just replaced `<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(), NULL, 95, 95, 95, 95); ?>` in album.php
    with `<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle()); ?>`
    now all my thumbs have the same size as from the admin settings. I have modified the css so the thumb text falls under the thumb any so its all looking good.

    Thanks again

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