I'd like to add a random image from a specific album that changes daily. I've gotten the printrandomimages function to work, but I don't see anything in there about making it daily. I see getRandomimages function, which has daily, but nothing else. I see getRandomImagesAlbum, which has a specific album.
I think there is probably a way to combine the functions to show a daily random image from a specific album, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone suggest the possible code that could be used?
Thanks in advance!!
if ($daily) {
$potd = unserialize(getOption('picture_of_the_day'));
if (date('Y-m-d', $potd['day']) == date('Y-m-d')) {
$album = new Album($_zp_gallery, $potd['folder']);
$image = newImage($album, $potd['filename']);
if ($image->exists) return $image;
You could create a new custom function that incorported this code. The fallthrough should use the getRandomImageAlbum() function to get a new image and then
if ($daily) {
$potd = array('day' => time(), 'folder' => $result['folder'], 'filename' => $imageName);
setOption('picture_of_the_day', serialize($potd));
To save off the new image.
This code has all been extracted from the `getRandomImages()` function.