Some thumbnails/images don't appear

Title pretty much says it.

Some albums have thumbnails - others don't. None of the images in any of the albums will load if you open them.

I've been autoloading pictures onto it, by just dropping new folders in the albums folder.

Any thoughts


  • Have you checked the troubleshooting guide? There is a section there on this issue.
  • Yep, I looked at it and it suggested to copy a link location and add &debug

    Did that and got this >> Album: [ 2008-2009/edo-and-police-department-briefs-17-mar ], Image: [ lg008809.jpg ]

    I am assuming that's normal, any other tips? I did an upgrade and it reverted to the same bug
  • I supposed this puts quite a bit of trust in the "zen community"...

    ...but I changed the permissions of the entire install to 777, and now it works.

    Any explanation/tip so I can switch it to something safer and still have it work?
  • Hi at all!

    i've got the same error but...

    image dir and all subdir and files are chmodded to 777
    cache dir idem...

    but when i try to pre-cache the images nothing appears...
    you can take a look here:

    hope you can help me :(
  • Images not showing (thumbnails not showing) almost always is the result of the server not haveing enought memory to process the image. Not usually from file/folder permissiosn.

    But, if you have to use 0777 for your images and albums it is a configuration problem with your server. Zenphoto will run with just 755, 644 priviledges so long as the server properly gives priviledges to applications.
  • ok sbillard and thank you ;)


    if is the server that not having enought memory what i can do?
    i just upload resized photos 800x600...

    i change the permission on files and folders 'cause i think that is it the problem...

    another strange thing is that if i use firefox to browse the gallery i don't see thumbinals... if i use k-meleon i see it...
    i've cleared the browser cache but nothing changes...

    i'm really confused, sorry...

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    if is the server that not having enought memory what i can do?.
    Upload smaller images or talk to your host about upgrading I guess.

    Don't know what k-meleon is but this is surely not a browser issue. But without an link we will surely not be able to help.
  • thanks acrylian ;)

    lock at this screenshots, taken from the same pc on the same time...
    the first is browsing the gallery with firefox, the second with k-meleon (another gecko-based browser)

    it's strange, i cleared the cache in both browsers, but firefox (opera and ie7) is not enale to show thumbs...

    hope this can help...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe some of the images are not published and you are loggedin on one browser. Then you will see them all.

    Please post a real link to your site.
  • sorry acrylian...

    or directly an album:

    thank you ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Safari reports server errors on some image that are not displayed. The images seem not too big so I don't know what exactly it might be. Please check your server error logs.
  • thanks acrylian, i'll open a ticket and then i'll tell you ;)
  • news here...

    support tell me the problem is that images are processated every calls and not just during the loading...

    (sorry my really bad english but i'm not a php developer and is hard to me translate... the italian version i here: Il motivo per cui la galleria non funziona è legato al modo in cui le immagini vengono elaborate ad ogni chiamata e non una sola volta al momento del caricamento. Questa modalità viene penalizzata dal nostro sistema di WOS (rif ) e pertanto le consigliamo di optare per una differente gallery)

    so the server applies to my gallery a QoS policy...

    i'm really confused ^_^'

    I just try to precache the images and now i see less images than before :D
    Something is going really bad here...

    hope you can help ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I did a quick (weird) google translation of the Italian part:
    The reason why the tunnel does not work is related to the way in which images are processed every call and not only once at the time of loading. This mode is penalized by our system WOS (ref and therefore we recommend you opt for a different gallery)
    Actually I never heard of this kind of issue before, even not on shared hosts. Images are actually only processed once. Did you try to disable mod-rewrite, maybe that is not configured correctly? Are the permission set correctly? Did setup complain about anything?

    Probably your server provides really limited resources, so precaching is not really a good idea since that can easily overload your server (please see the troubleshooting on our user guide).
  • now i think that the problem is more the hosting that this great gallery :(...

    I disable mod-rewrite
    permission are:
    755 dir and 644 files (album)
    755 dir cache - no files 'cause i cleared this...

    setup complain just about magic-quotes if i've got a decent memory :P

    i go to read the user guide again ;)
    but i think i just move the gallery away...

    really thanks!
  • Setup can only tell what memory you have requested. Not what the server is actually willing to give. So, memory may still be the issue.
  • I have pretty much the same problem. I added &debug and I got this:
    (I can acces the images directly, btw)

    Album: [ Miscellaneous/Tv appearances/eTalk ], Image: [ etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug ]

    Debug i.php | Arguments:

    * size = 500
    * width =
    * height =
    * cw =
    * ch =
    * cx =
    * cy =
    * quality = 100
    * thumb =
    * crop =

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/photos/zp-core/functions-image.php:46) in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/photos/zp-core/i.php on line 174
    Zenphoto Image Processing Error: Image not found; file does not exist.

    Request URI: [ /photos/Miscellaneous/Tv%20appearances/eTalk/image/500/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug ]
    PHP_SELF: [ /photos/zp-core/i.php ]
    Cache: [/cache/Miscellaneous/Tv appearances/eTalk/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug_500.jpg]
    Image: [Miscellaneous/Tv appearances/eTalk/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug]

    Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/photos/zp-core/i.php on line 196
    Zenphoto Image Processing Error: Image not found or is unreadable.

    Request URI: [ /photos/Miscellaneous/Tv%20appearances/eTalk/image/500/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug ]
    PHP_SELF: [ /photos/zp-core/i.php ]
    Cache: [/cache/Miscellaneous/Tv appearances/eTalk/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug_500.jpg]
    Image: [Miscellaneous/Tv appearances/eTalk/etalk20090417-001.jpg&debug]

  • Forgot to add, the permission are 755 for the albums and 777 for the cache. Each image is quite small, under 7kb. I've sucessfully managed to add files bigger than 1mb and they're loading just fine so I don't what could it possibly be.
    Btw, tried the &debug trick with a couple of other images and I got the same error message even though they're loading correctly...
  • It is really not the file size of the image that matters, it is the dimensions of the image. Look at the troubleshooting guide for information on how much memory various dimensioned images require to process.

    If some images are working for you and others are not it is almost assured that you are having memory limitation problems.
  • Turns out it's not a memory limitation problem. I installed a fresh copy of zenphoto to a new directory yesterday, uploaded all the pics that refused to show up in the other gallery and everything was working fine.
    Do you have any idea what else may be causing this problem?
  • You would have to find your CGI log and see what errors were reported. Also check the individuial files and see what their permissions are. Just because the folder has the right permission does not mean the individual files do.
  • Where can i find the CGI Log`?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On your server. If you don't find it ask your host.
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