Thumbnail video watermarks 1.2.4 not working for me


When I upgraded to 1.2.3 from 1.2.2 using the recommended method I found that none of my video thumbnails had watermarks any more. There was a fix for this in svn but now I have upgraded to 1.2.4 and still cannot get the watermarks to display on the video thumbnails. I am just using the standard watermark watermark-video. In the plugin options I have tried with "Watermark default images" checked and unchecked. Each time I have deleted the cache or created a new album. For each video I have an associated jpg screenshot.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Is this a known issue?



  • "Watermark default images" refers to the theme image that is substituted for the video. If you have jpg images with the same name as the video and want them watermarked you have to use the image display option.
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