Saving deletes html in description

When I edit a photo or gallery description from the administrative back-end of my gallery, and then click "save," any html tags that were included in the description are lost. These tags seem to be generated when I add manual line breaks on the front end (by pressing enter when editing a description).

Is there a way that I can get Zenphoto to keep these tags in the description fields? As it is right now, anytime I edit an image description via the back end, I have to go back through the front end and add a bunch of manual line breaks for the surrounding 10 images.

Thanks so much!


  • There is an allowed tags option for the gallery. You need to be sure any tags you want to use in your descriptions are included in the allowed list.
  • Would I just add the break code to the list and save? (Sorry for my ignorance!) The other tags were set up in a strange way, i.e.


    I wasn't sure exactly how to add the break tag. When I tried and then went back, it just showed up as a blank line (I think it's applying the code).
  • br=>()
  • Thanks!
  • I want put in the description this code:

    <span class="esp">Hola</span> <span class="eng">Hello</span>

    But I can't!!!

    Any solution?
  • You must make sure any tags you wish to use are listed in the allowed tags list in the gallery options. So you would need to add `span=>(class=>())` to the list.
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