Adding Add This

Hello all,

I'd like to add the "Add This" button to every page in the "default" theme. You can see the button at if are not familiar with it. Can anyone tell me where I would need to add the code they supply? I would ideally like to place at the bottom of the page with the "credit" line but left justified.

Thanks in advance for any assistance, may page is at


  • jono Member

    Anyone? I thought it would be a very easy one to answer.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Don't know how the code looks but I guess you should add it at the bottom of the page you want it to be displayed.
  • jono Member
    The code is only about three lines, nothing too complicated. But my point is, in to which file(s) to I insert it and where so that it appears left justified on the line that has the ZenPhoto credit on every page?
  • do a search for `printZenphotoLink()`. That is the function which puts the ZenPhoto credit on the page. Everywhere there is a call to it you need also your code.
  • jono Member
    Once again spot on. Thank you so much.
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