admin tag page partially dead

Hi - I'm new to zenphoto, and I just installed the latest stable version on my website, via Simple Scripts.

Everything works great, except three of the Tag buttons on the Admin Tags page. The Tag Sort button at the upper left works just fine, but when I try to add tags or rename or delete, the buttons below those columns are dead.

The "Add Tags", "Rename Tags", and "Delete Checked Tags" buttons change color when I mouse over them, as if they were alive, but nothing at all happens when I enter new tag data above and then press the buttons. They're just dead.

It's weird that the sorting button works just fine.

I'll be glad if someone can shed some light on this.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably something went wrong with the SimpleScripts install that we don't support at all. Please try to install the standard way described on our site.
  • I have te same problem. I installed by uploading the compressed file and unzip it. Unable to add tags. Clean install not update.
  • You need to find your CGI error log and see what errors are being reported. But if you did no more than what you describe in your last post, you need to run the zenphoto setup program.
  • Betsy Member
    I solved the problem by restoring version 1.2.3. (Still using SimpleScripts.) The tag buttons work fine on that version.

    Also, just a tiny editing note: In your latest version (which I was having the problem with), the instructions on that admin tag page still refer to the "save new tags" button. But the button itself has been changed to "add tags". Not that anyone will really be stopped by that discrepancy, but it'll just look cleaner if you update your instructions.

    Anyway, I'll stick with 1.2.3 for awhile, and install a newer version sometime later.
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