Admin log in link

I am setting up a website for photo sharing amongst a group, where individuals will have administrator rights to their own albums, but everyone in the group will be able to see each others albums. For general viewing, users will enter the site via a general guest log on. It would be convenient to also have a link to the administrator log on page on the guest log on page, rather than having administrators having to type in the full url to admin.php. I am not familiar with php so am wondering whether someone can tell me what needs to be done to set up the required link?


  • There is a plugin named user_logout which can be configured to do what you want. In addition to including the function call in your theme where you want the form, there are two optons you need to set. One in the plugin to enable the log-in form and one in the gallery configuration to enable the User name field (Admin users need to be able to supply their user as well as password.)
  • Piece of cake when you know what you are doing. Thank you very much for the prompt solution to my problem.
  • Hi!

    Bohdan, please tell me how did you do that? I mean how did you create users with rights to edit only their photos?
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