I can't use the ZP admin to upload images because I have issues with SAFE MODE which has been discussed previously in past posts.
I have tried FTPing the files to my server, but I think I'm doing something wrong because no images appear. Could someone tell me exactly where I need to upload the images and what folders I may or may not need to create?
Albums and cache folders should be chmod777
you need to upload your photos to the albums directory inside of another folder.
Example. Vacation Photos Albums would be
zproot\albums\Vacation Photos\
so on.jpg
and so forth.jpg
Are you getting any generated files in your cache directory?
I'm have everything setup as you described, but I'm not getting any generated files in my cache directory.
My webpath is this:
define('WEBPATH', '/wordpress/zenphoto');
and if I were to uncomment and define the serverpath it would be this:
define('SERVERPATH', '/var/www/vhosts/mywebsite.com/httpdocs/wordpress/zenphoto/albums');
At least that is what I think they should be???
Can we see your gallery to help diagnose the problem?
If it does not support it.. do you have modrewrite set to false in the config.php in the zen folder?
if it does.. do you have the zenphoto .htaccess file in the zenphoto root folder?
I do have the .htaccess file in the zenphoto root folder.
I just noticed this in the config file:
// If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.
// MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.
which path should I add to the .htaccess file?
BTW- Thanks for all your help so far!
Again, thanks so much for all your help!