
I've been playing with this on my own site for a bit and decided to use it for a client's site. I uploaded the latest .8 version, installed it, and had 74 images in 8 albums loaded in about 15 minutes, tops. That rocks.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Exactly. I'm glad to hear you had an easy experience.

    Try the new 0.9 version if you haven't - setup should be easier and bugs should be fixed.
  • Doh. Actually, I am using version .9. But my admin screen says .8. But I'm 99% sure I'm using .9 because the config.php was a whole lot easier.
  • Ahh...looks like you still have .8 coded in the classes.php file.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep, I forgot to update it. Oh well. :) Thanks for the good feedback, I always appreciate it.
  • I cam across this forum while trying to find another photo program online, i use picasa right now, but there seems to be a lot of features i am missing with picasa compared to zenphoto. Can't wait to use this. Is there a video maker with zen too? I make a lot of youtube videos with our photos on picasa, but I can't do a lot of text, in the vid so I was hoping this would work out better.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Is there a video maker with zen too?
    No, there is no "maker" for anyhting. Zenphoto is a CMS to manage your content for a website, not for making it. You have to make videos like images yourself before uploading.

    You can however use videos and even mp3s using our video player plugin Flowplayer. Zenphoto can't directly use Youtube or other service's videos but there is a trick for that. Please see the troubleshooting on our site for that.
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